The maps were made using the 2019 research databases of the National Competence Measurement. To create an index of parental involvement, we created an indicator based on the parent-school contact items of the student and site questionnaires, the value of which is zero being the national average for the given grade.
The map illustrates the intensity of parental involvement by grade with a color scale. In the case of elementary schools (6th year OKM data), the interactive map makes visible the difference between the institutions operating in the center of the district and those outside it. In the case of secondary schools, we can examine the difference between the types of training (gymnasium, vocational high school/technical school, vocational secondary school).
The map was prepared in collaboration with the MTA-DE CSATOKK Researcher and the MTA-SZTE Geological Methodology Research Group (Dr. Bujdosó Gyöngyi, Dr. Károly Teperics, Roland Varga and Dr. Katinka Bacskai). The database was compiled by Katinka Bacskai, the technical implementation was done by Roland Varga.
For those schools and school administrators who wish to develop their partnership strategy with parents, we can offer assessment, counseling and program development.